Conference on Business Development and Co-Creation
Wonder how to make innovation management work? Find answers at the conference on Business Development and Co-Creation, 8 – 11 September 2013, HAN Campus in Nijmegen.
Audience and purpose
The conference is about successful innovation paths, business models, approaches and capabilities. It is of high interest for participants of research programs and for managers and consultants from all sectors of industry, involved in business development and co-creation, sustainability, innovation and quality management.
Develop innovations collaboratively
Innovation is for a majority of SME’s unusual business with many uncertainties. To create and develop new products, processes and business for a present or future market is day-to-day business for only a minority of entrepreneurs. Innovation is often their secondary concern because operational business issues claim the entrepreneurs’ full attention. Ideas often stay on the shelf due to lack of time, money, partners or knowledge.
Successful introduction of new ideas requires entrepreneurial capabilities and suitable operations and interventions with respect to many aspects: determining market, financial and technical feasibility is of course relevant, but the ability to develop innovations collaboratively in inter-organizational networks is essential.
Collaboration in networks enables companies to achieve the intended multiple targets to economize on processes and to achieve added value in their innovation efforts. Triggered by the current economic situation new ways of organizing are emerging e.g. to embed corporate responsibility. This will create new business models that are balancing among the different values.
Are you ready for it?
We are happy to invite you to meet new research experiences but above all to challenge international researchers for solutions for your innovation issues. Are you ready for it?
A core ambition in the research of the CINet community is to add value for companies and organizations in their quest for sustainable performance. Although there is an extensive amount of excellent innovation theory and best practices, implementation is still an issue. Therefore it is a real challenge to make the practical impact of research efforts of CINet members clearer and more visible.
Practitioners day
The ‘practitioners’ day on Wednesday 11 September 2013 will highlight this issue and offer different platforms to create ideas and find solutions, with practitioners and academics interactively working together to bridge the gap between theory and implementation. Share your expertise, open up for new ideas and get new insights!
Because of the ambition of CINet to establish a closer relationship between academics and practitioners the program consists of an academic part and one day especially focused on the meaning of theory for day-to-day practice. we have presentations from the following keynotes:
• Dany Jacobs – Professor of Industrial Dynamics and Innovation Policy, University of Amsterdam Professor of Art, Culture and Economy at the Universities of Applied Science ArtEZ and HAN
• Carel van Houte – Chief development officer citizenM Hotels
• Jeroen Verbrugge – Founder and co-owner of FLEX/The Innovation Lab
• Hendrik Snijders – ARCCI, CijferVisie, University of Groningen
• Jan Jurriëns – Professor of Innovation HAN University of Applied Sciences
• Henk-Jan Wegman – Managing director of Ubbink BV, the Netherlands, member of the board of Ubbink-Centrotherm Group
• Gerard Berendsen – Professor of Total Quality Management in Organizational Net-works, HAN University of Applied Sciences
• Harrie Evers – Owner and CEO of NormTeq
• Alfred Uytdewilligen – CEO at CAD2M
• Tamara Derksen – Director RoofUpdate
• Sharda Nandram – Professor Entrepreneurship at HAN University of Applied Sciences
• Danielle Zandee – Professor of Sustainable Organizational Development at Nyenrode Business University
• Gerard Taat – Program manager Energy Transition and Sustainable Innovation, Prov-ince of Gelderland
• Yvonne Peterman – Member research group TQMinON and senior lecturer Business Administration HAN University of Applied Sciences
HAN University of Applied Sciences, Laan van Scheut 10 Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Registration Fees
• € 375,- : Conference PhD student CINet member – passe-partout
• € 475,- : Conference PhD student non CINet member – passe-partout
• € 475,- : Conference CINet member – passe-partout
• € 625,- : Conference non CINet member – passe-partout
• € 45,- : Practitioners Day 11-09-2013 students – one day pass
• € 245,- : Practitioners Day 11-09-2013 practitioners – one day pass
Program and Registration
More about the Conference, the Program and Registration can be found on the website of Twente Quality Centre or the website of CINet.